JCQ Java

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Starting with Java

To start learning the programming language Java, the first steps are:

  1. Download the latest Java Development Kit (JDK)

  2. Get a good text editor (TextPad)

  3. Get a good browser (FireFox)

For step 1, go to java.sun.com. On the right is a list of popular downloads. Choose Java SE, SE = Standard Edition -- this is the first one. This leads to JDK 5.0. You only need to download JDK 5.0 update 7 (now the third one). The first one (which bundles with an IDE) is useful, and the source code may be handy (but needs registration).

Read the installation instructions. The default install location is: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_[version]\, but this pathname contains a space. Better install to c:\java\jdk. We shall denote this Java install location as [java], or JAVA_HOME. Remember to add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the system PATH.

Rather than using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), I prefer a simple text editor TextPad, from www.textpad.com. Get the latest version.

With a browser, you can run Java applets immediately. Although Windows XP comes with the browser Internet Explorer (IE), Microsoft is not giving full support of Java technology. A better one is FireFox (FF), from www.mozilla.com. Download the latest FF 1.5 -- there is a Chinese version.

Save all your download executables to a standard location. This is useful later.

It is recommended that you install JDK first, in a location [java] = c:\java\jdk = JAVA_HOME, update system PATH.
Both TextPad and FireFox will detect if Java is on the system PATH, and configure themselves accordingly.

For further info on setting system PATH for Java, have a read on:
Installing Java on your PC


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